Lesser Evil Organic Popcorn Himalayan Pink Salt

Lesser Evil



Organic NON-GMO Popcorn, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Himalayan Salt

Rating:     Clean

Ingredient Score:

Rated with a distinguished 5 out of 5 green leaves, the Lesser Evil Organic Popcorn Himalayan Pink Salt stands out as a paragon of clean eating. This product earns its top-tier green leaf rating through a steadfast commitment to quality ingredients and health-conscious manufacturing practices.

The popcorn is crafted from just three components: organic NON-GMO popcorn, organic extra virgin coconut oil, and Himalayan salt. The simplicity of its ingredient list is a testament to its purity. Each component is organic, ensuring that consumers are not exposed to pesticides or other harmful chemicals often found in conventional farming. The NON-GMO designation further assures that the popcorn kernels have not been genetically modified, aligning with the preferences of health-savvy individuals seeking natural food sources.

Lesser Evil’s choice of organic extra virgin coconut oil is a deliberate one, as it is renowned for its beneficial properties, including healthy fats that are an essential part of a balanced diet. The Himalayan salt not only serves as a natural preservative but also provides trace minerals not found in regular table salt.

This product’s clean bill of health is bolstered by the absence of any harmful additives. There are no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, or any other questionable substances that could detract from its nutritional profile. This level of purity is what grants this snack its full score, reflecting a commitment to offering consumers a wholesome alternative in the snack aisle.

The Lesser Evil Organic Popcorn Himalayan Pink Salt is a shining example of what clean food should be. It delivers on the promise of organic, healthful snacking without compromising on the principles of natural and responsible food production. This product upholds the values of those seeking nourishment in its most unadulterated form, and it stands as a benchmark for others in the market to aspire to.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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