Suja Celery Juice




Organic Celery Juice, Organic Lemon Juice.

Rating:     Clean

Ingredient Score:

Awarded a 5/5 green leaf rating, the Suja Celery Juice stands out as a superior choice for consumers seeking purity in their food options. This product garners the highest accolade due to its composition of solely organic ingredients and its commitment to non-GMO standards, ensuring that what you’re consuming is as clean and natural as it gets.

Suja Celery Juice is crafted from organic celery juice and organic lemon juice, a straightforward and transparent ingredients list that reflects the brand’s dedication to offering a wholesome product. The organic certification guarantees that the celery used in the juice is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, thus contributing to a healthier body and environment. Additionally, the non-GMO verification ensures that the ingredients are free from genetic modification, a concern for many health-conscious consumers.

The product’s simplicity is its hallmark; it does not contain any additives, preservatives, or harmful substances. This level of purity is rare in the crowded and often misleading marketplace of food products, where many items are laden with unnecessary and sometimes detrimental ingredients. Suja Celery Juice’s adherence to organic and non-GMO principles sets a benchmark for clean eating.

Customers can rest assured that when they choose Suja Celery Juice, they are selecting a beverage that aligns with a lifestyle that prioritizes health and ecological well-being. The 5/5 green leaf rating is a testament to the product’s uncompromised quality and the brand’s integrity in producing a truly clean food option. Suja Celery Juice is a shining example of what clean eating should represent, offering a pure, simple, and trustworthy choice for those who care about what goes into their bodies.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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