Is It Clean 2023 Recap + Our top 3 Tips for a Healthier 2024
What a year 2023 has been!
We have accomplished so much in just 10 months since our launch in March of 2023.
Some exciting updates:
- We have hit 10,000 foods rated on the website!
- We now have detailed rating explanations live for all food ratings! Check it out here
Don’t see a brand you buy? Submit your request on isitclean.org and we will move it up on our rating queue!
We are so proud of what the team at Is It Clean has accomplished in our first year.
We went from idea, to building and launching the website by May, to adding 10,000 food ratings and hundreds of ingredient ratings and utilizing AI to have detailed rating explanations for every food rating which adds tremendous value to our users’ lives.
This was what we consider phase one of Is It Clean: Build and launch the website and social channels and start spreading the word on clean eating and how messed up the food system in America is.
In 2024 we will shift to phase two of the mission: growing the audience for the website and building the App, which will make clean eating even easier for users.
We truly could not have done this without all of your support from donations, submitting food brands to review, likes and shares on Instagram, and overall feedback. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
This is so much more than just a website… it’s a full on movement to change the food industry. We as consumers deserve to know what is in our food. Let’s take our health back together.
Our power lies in our awareness and our purchasing power. We speak volumes with our voices and our dollars.
Remember, you vote with every purchase you make. The less goods we buy that have these ingredients, the more we send a message to the food industry that we won’t accept harmful ingredients and chemicals in our food supply.
A humble ask.. we are running out of money and need support to continue with phase 2 (the app!)
Please consider donating anything you can today. Your donation goes a long way <3
Thanks for being on this journey with us and we look forward to making clean eating even easier in 2024!
1. Buy Organic whenever possible
Organic food is grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers, and does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
2. Avoid ultra-processed foods
Examples: soft drinks, fast food, chips, packaged snacks, chocolate, candy, ice-cream, sweetened breakfast cereals, packaged soups, chicken nuggets, hotdogs, fries, etc.
Studies reveal that regular consumption of these foods increases the risk of health complications, including cardiovascular disease, cancers, obesity, and type two diabetes. To put it plainly and not so lightly, ultra-processed foods are slowly killing you. While they may offer convenience and affordability at the moment, down the road you will pay a much higher cost due to health issues.
3. Avoid added sugars
Sugar is EXTREMELY harmful to your physical, mental and emotional health. Sugar causes weight gain, anxiety and depression, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, tooth decay, joint pain, fatty liver disease, just to name a few…
If we stop buying the “food” items that are killing us, there won’t be a market and the food industry will be forced to change.
What can you do to protect yourself from harmful ingredients in food?
- Read the ingredients on all food labels before purchasing. If you don’t know what certain ingredients are, use caution.
- If you can’t find a cleaner alternative, go without.
- Sign petitions for these foods to get banned, NGOs like EWG send out petitions regularly and are active in the fight to ban harmful substances from our food supply.
“Is It Clean is a treasure trove of knowledge, inspiration, and guidance on embracing a healthier lifestyle. I became plant based 5 years ago and there is still so much to learn and navigate. Is It Clean gives me a deeper understanding of the profound connection between food and well-being. I love getting ideas and reaching out with questions of what’s a clean version of something. So thankful for all the team does, and how much they truly care.”
- Lauren, South Carolina
“I felt like I was someone who was relatively educated on how to eat healthy. But knowing which ingredients and foods are really healthy is trickier than it seems on the surface.
For example, I figured ‘celery powder’ was ok, but the names of these ingredients can be deceiving.
IsItClean.org helps me to quickly reference brands and ingredients to make good decisions. Now, I look out for ingredients like ‘natural flavors’ and ‘soy lecithin’. I’ll even pull up the website while I’m at the grocery store to check an ingredient that I’m unsure about.
I don’t always make time to do my own deep research; it honestly feels a bit overwhelming to do all of that. It’s great to have a website like Is It Clean that gives a quick overview on brands and ingredients for me, so I can make the right choices on the fly.”
- Kevin, Chicago
Have you changed or learned anything new from Is It Clean?
If so, we would LOVE a testimonial from you 🙂
Submit one here.
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Your donation will help transform the food industry by providing essential funding to our product ratings database, our ingredients database, and supporting food system activism around the world.
Big love from Ally, Christian, and the IsItClean Team