Beyond Good Sea Salt and Nibs

Beyond Good



Organic Madagascar Cocoa Beans, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa Butter, Organic Sunflower Lecithin (Emulsifier).

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Ingredient Score:

This product earns a rating of 3 out of 5 green leaves. The ‘Sea Salt and Nibs’ chocolate bar by Beyond Good is an organic offering in the market of healthier food options. It is made with a straightforward list of ingredients, including organic Madagascar cocoa beans, organic cane sugar, organic cocoa butter, and organic sunflower lecithin as an emulsifier.

The product gains recognition for its commitment to organic ingredients and avoidance of GMOs, ensuring that consumers who prioritize these aspects in their diet can consider this chocolate bar. However, the presence of added sugars, specifically cane sugar, impacts its overall rating. Added sugars are often viewed with caution by health-conscious consumers, and this product does contain them, although it is organic.

The inclusion of organic cane sugar as a sweetening agent is a standard practice in the industry, but it is also a double-edged sword. While it contributes to the taste and texture that consumers expect from a chocolate bar, it is also a factor that detracts from the product’s healthfulness, as excessive sugar consumption is linked to various health issues.

This chocolate bar stands as a middle-ground option. It aligns with the needs of those seeking organic and non-GMO products but falls short for those aiming to minimize added sugars in their diets. It is positioned as a compromise between health and indulgence, offering a cleaner choice without fully stepping away from the sweetening practices common in the industry.

The ‘Sea Salt and Nibs’ bar presents a choice for the consumer who is looking to navigate the complex landscape of food options, balancing the desire for cleaner ingredients with the reality of prevailing tastes. It serves as a reminder that even products with a greener image can carry attributes that require careful consideration by the health-focused shopper.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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