Suja Citrus Immunity 18-Pack




Purified Water, Organic Orange Juice, Organic Pineapple Juice, Organic Mango Puree, Organic Coconut Water, Organic Lemon Juice, Organic Ginger Juice, Calcium Lactate, Organic Acerola Cherry Extract, Zinc Gluconate, Bacillus coagulans, Organic Veg D3 Powder.

Rating:     Clean

Ingredient Score:

Awarded a 5/5 green leaves rating, the Suja Citrus Immunity 18-Pack stands out as a paragon of clean eating. This product is certified organic, ensuring that each ingredient has been grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Additionally, it is non-GMO, confirming that the ingredients have not been genetically modified, which aligns with the preferences of health-conscious consumers seeking natural food options.

The ingredients list reads like a who’s who of wholesome nutrition. The blend includes organic orange juice, pineapple juice, and mango puree, which are known for their natural vitamins and antioxidants. The inclusion of organic coconut water and lemon juice adds to the hydrating and refreshing qualities of the beverage. Organic ginger juice contributes to the digestive benefits, while calcium lactate is a source of essential minerals.

The formula is further enhanced with organic acerola cherry extract, a potent source of vitamin C, and zinc gluconate, which is crucial for immune function. The presence of Bacillus coagulans introduces probiotics to support gut health, and the organic Veg D3 powder provides the often hard-to-get vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune support.

The Suja Citrus Immunity 18-Pack is not just a drink; it’s a carefully crafted health supplement. Each component has been selected for its nutritional benefits, without compromising on the product’s integrity with harmful additives. This beverage is a testament to the possibility of enjoying healthful, nourishing products without the interference of unwanted artificial substances.

This product embodies the commitment to offering cleaner food choices in a market inundated with less beneficial options. Its top-tier green leaf rating reflects its status as a premium choice for those seeking to nourish their bodies with pure, organic ingredients and no harmful extras. The Suja Citrus Immunity 18-Pack is a clean, health-supporting beverage option that delivers on its promise of natural goodness.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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