Suja Immunity: Strawberry Guava




Purified Water, Organic Strawberry Puree, Organic Pineapple Juice, Organic Orange Juice, Organic Apple Powder, Organic Guava Puree, Organic Ginger Juice, Trace Minerals, Organic Acerola Cherry Extract, Organic Annatto Extract (Orgen-E®), Bacillus coagulans.

Rating:     Clean

Ingredient Score:

Rated at 5/5 green leaves, the Suja Immunity: Strawberry Guava stands out as a superior choice for those seeking clean and wholesome food options. This beverage earns its top-tier green leaf rating through its commitment to organic ingredients and non-GMO practices, ensuring consumers receive a product free from commonly recognized dietary detractors.

The Suja Immunity: Strawberry Guava is a blend of organic fruit purees and juices, including strawberry, pineapple, orange, and guava, complemented by the zesty addition of organic ginger juice. It also includes organic apple powder, trace minerals, and beneficial Bacillus coagulans, rounding out its profile with a probiotic element. Notably, it features organic acerola cherry extract, which is rich in vitamin C, and organic annatto extract, known for its antioxidant properties.

Each ingredient in this product is carefully selected to adhere to the highest standards of health and sustainability. The use of purified water as its base ensures that the drink is free from impurities that could detract from its quality. The commitment to organic ingredients means that each sip is free from synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which aligns with the product’s clean label ethos.

Moreover, the inclusion of Bacillus coagulans in the beverage offers a probiotic boost, supporting gut health without compromising the integrity of the product. The trace minerals included serve to enhance the nutritional profile, providing essential nutrients that are often lacking in the standard diet.

The product’s transparency in labeling and the adherence to organic, non-GMO standards set it apart in the crowded marketplace of health-oriented beverages. For individuals prioritizing health and wellness, the Suja Immunity: Strawberry Guava is more than just a drink; it is a reflection of a commitment to clean, mindful consumption. This product is not just a beverage; it is a testament to the possibility of enjoying wholesome, health-supportive products without unnecessary additives or concerns about ingredient quality.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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