Suja Turmeric Shot




Organic Apple Juice, Organic Turmeric Juice, Organic Ginger Juice, Organic Pineapple Juice, Organic Orange Juice, Organic Coconut Water, Organic Lemon Juice, Purified Water, Organic Turmeric Extract (TermiPure Gold®), Organic Ground Black Pepper.

Rating:     Clean

Ingredient Score:

Rated at 5/5 green leaves, the Suja Turmeric Shot exemplifies a commitment to clean eating. This product stands out for its adherence to organic ingredients and the exclusion of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The blend of organic apple, turmeric, ginger, pineapple, orange, and lemon juices, combined with coconut water and purified water, creates a nutrient-rich profile. The inclusion of TermiPure Gold® turmeric extract and ground black pepper enhances the drink’s healthful properties.

The Suja Turmeric Shot is certified organic, ensuring that each ingredient is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Its non-GMO certification further guarantees that the ingredients maintain their natural genetic integrity. The product’s composition is straightforward, with no harmful additives or preservatives, aligning with the website’s standards for cleaner food options.

Each ingredient serves a purpose, from the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric to the digestive aid provided by ginger. The pineapple and orange juices offer a natural sweetness and a dose of vitamin C, while coconut water contributes to hydration. Lemon juice adds a refreshing zest and aids in alkalizing the body. The organic ground black pepper is not just a flavor enhancer; it increases the bioavailability of curcumin, the active component in turmeric.

The Suja Turmeric Shot receives the highest green leaf rating for its pure, unadulterated ingredients and its alignment with the goals of health-conscious consumers seeking transparency and simplicity in their food choices. This product reflects a dedication to providing a healthful option in a market saturated with less beneficial alternatives. It is a clean, whole-food-based product that consumers can trust for its quality and organic integrity.


Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.



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