Snickers Milk Chocolate Candy Bar




Milk Chocolate (Sugar, Cocoa Butter, Chocolate, Skim Milk, Lactose, Milkfat, Soy Lecithin), Peanuts, Corn syrup, Sugar, Palm Oil, Skim Milk, Lactose, Salt, Egg Whites, Artificial Flavor.

Rating:     We Avoid

Ingredient Score:

Rated at 1/5 green leaves, the Snickers Milk Chocolate Candy Bar earns the lowest possible score on our scale, indicating a product that falls short of providing cleaner food options. This confectionery item is not organic and contains genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, which detracts significantly from its score. The presence of added sugars, specifically sugar and corn syrup, further reduces its rating due to the negative health implications associated with excessive sugar consumption.

The Snickers bar also includes palm oil, an ingredient with well-documented environmental and health concerns. This, coupled with the use of artificial flavor and soy lecithin, both considered potentially harmful additives, contributes to the product’s low score. Moreover, the artificial flavor is mistaken in the scoring system for high fructose corn syrup, which is not listed among the ingredients but is a substance often criticized for its health effects.

The bar’s composition reflects a reliance on ingredients that are not aligned with the goal of promoting cleaner, healthier food choices. The use of non-organic and GMO ingredients, combined with added sugars and harmful additives, positions the Snickers Milk Chocolate Candy Bar as a product to avoid for those seeking healthier alternatives.

Consumers are increasingly seeking out products that support their health and the environment. The Snickers Milk Chocolate Candy Bar, with its current ingredient profile, does not meet these criteria. The 1/5 green leaves rating serves as a clear indicator that this product does not align with the values of cleaner eating and is best left off the shopping list for those looking to make more health-conscious food choices.



Product formulations and certifications may change. For current nutrition facts and ingredient
line information, check product packaging.




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