


What is it:

Eggs are a common ingredient in processed foods, providing structure, moisture, flavor, and nutrition. When simply listed as “eggs”, this ingredient refers to eggs from hens. On food labels, eggs are listed under different names, such as whole eggs, egg whites, egg yolks, or egg powder.


Eggs are highly nutrient-dense foods, containing protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds. Eggs used in packaged goods are normally preserved, and it may be difficult to determine the method of preservation. Eggs used in packaged foods often come from non-organic conventional farms, where farming methods may be harmful to the chickens and environment, resulting in lower quality eggs. To learn more about whole eggs that are not used as an ingredient and which labels can point you to higher-quality eggs, check out our article here.


How we rate ingredients

Health is like a bank account, certain ingredients make a deposit into your health bank, meaning they add to
your health. Certain ingredients withdraw from your health bank. We want health promoting ingredients in our diet. To keep things simple, we rate ingredients on a green, yellow, red scale:


It is naturally occurring in food and has no harmful effects on the body. It is real food. It is health promoting.


It goes into one or more of the below categories

We Avoid

It is known to have a harmful effect on the body (ex. All food colorings, Natural Flavors, MSG, Potassium bromate, aspartame, artificial flavors)

Top Ingredients To Avoid

Advantame is a non-nutritive, high-intensity artificial sweetener that is similar …

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