


What is it:

Iron is a naturally occurring metal that is used to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron is typically found in meat, poultry, and seafood products, although vegetarian options for iron like spinach also exist. Iron can also be supplemented. Iron used in processed foods is produced in an electrochemical refining process and deposition process that forms a black powder. Iron is added to processed foods such as rice and cereal because the naturally occurring iron can often be lost when foods are processed and have to be added back in to retain the initial vitamin levels.


Iron deficiency leads to a lack of oxygen being distributed around the body. Without oxygen, the body cannot properly go through oxidative phosphorylation and therefore cannot make ATP. ATP is the source of our energy, which is why exhaustion is a symptom of iron deficiency. Improving iron intake has lots of benefits including an improved mood and decreased sweating while exercising. Iron is an essential nutrient for our survival. Iron deficiency has both short-term consequences (such as headaches) and long-term consequences (such as heart failure). However, too much iron can also be problematic. Processed foods can add in more iron than the nutritional labels suggest, and excessive iron intake is a risk factor for a long list of diseases. In addition, taking high levels of iron supplements, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to negative symptoms such as nausea.


How we rate ingredients

Health is like a bank account, certain ingredients make a deposit into your health bank, meaning they add to
your health. Certain ingredients withdraw from your health bank. We want health promoting ingredients in our diet. To keep things simple, we rate ingredients on a green, yellow, red scale:


It is naturally occurring in food and has no harmful effects on the body. It is real food. It is health promoting.


It goes into one or more of the below categories

We Avoid

It is known to have a harmful effect on the body (ex. All food colorings, Natural Flavors, MSG, Potassium bromate, aspartame, artificial flavors)

Top Ingredients To Avoid

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