Oat Flour

Oat Flour

Oat Flour

What is it:

Oat flour is a gluten-free flour alternative that is used in a variety of products, including baked goods, cereals, and baby food. To produce it, the raw oats are cleaned and the outer husk is removed using a dehulling machine. Next, the dehulled oats are ground into a fine powder using specialized milling equipment such as roller or impact mills. After grinding, the flour is sifted to remove any remaining larger pieces of oat and ensure a consistent texture.


Research is limited on oat flour specifically, but there is a lot of research suggesting positive health benefits of consuming oats due to their rich composition of protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Oat flour has similar nutritional values to whole oats. The fibers and antioxidants in oats have been linked to improved cardiovascular health, metabolic parameters, inflammation, blood sugar control, and gastrointestinal health.


How we rate ingredients

Health is like a bank account, certain ingredients make a deposit into your health bank, meaning they add to
your health. Certain ingredients withdraw from your health bank. We want health promoting ingredients in our diet. To keep things simple, we rate ingredients on a green, yellow, red scale:


It is naturally occurring in food and has no harmful effects on the body. It is real food. It is health promoting.


It goes into one or more of the below categories

We Avoid

It is known to have a harmful effect on the body (ex. All food colorings, Natural Flavors, MSG, Potassium bromate, aspartame, artificial flavors)

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