


What is it:

Norbixin is a carotenoid compound that is derived from bixin, which is naturally found in the seeds of the annatto tree (Bixa orellana). It is responsible for the yellow to orange color in annatto extracts, including dairy items, baked goods, and snack foods. Norbixin is known for its stability under heat and light, making it a preferred choice for enhancing the visual appeal of food products without altering their taste or flavor significantly.


Norbixin is commonly used as a food colorant and is considered a safe and natural alternative to synthetic food dyes. As a carotenoid component in annatto, it is responsible for some of the antioxidant benefits of annatto. Annatto has been studied to have other potential health benefits, partially due to the carotenoid norbixin. Additionally, an animal study demonstrated that norbixin may help in the prevention of macular degeneration.


How we rate ingredients

Health is like a bank account, certain ingredients make a deposit into your health bank, meaning they add to
your health. Certain ingredients withdraw from your health bank. We want health promoting ingredients in our diet. To keep things simple, we rate ingredients on a green, yellow, red scale:


It is naturally occurring in food and has no harmful effects on the body. It is real food. It is health promoting.


It goes into one or more of the below categories

We Avoid

It is known to have a harmful effect on the body (ex. All food colorings, Natural Flavors, MSG, Potassium bromate, aspartame, artificial flavors)

Top Ingredients To Avoid

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